Dublin: 7 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

11 adorable Irish dogs you need to follow on Instagram

Attention, dog lovers! You need to follow these pups.

THINK INSTAGRAM IS just for selfies and celebrities? Think again.

Brighten up your timeline with these pooches.

1. Rúibín ruibin_rua 

Rúibín is a King Charles  - Irish Terrier mix and is 100% adorable.

Look at his little face!

2. Ollie and Penny (twospoiltsausages)

Ollie and Penny are two sausage dogs who have quite the social media presence. (They also have a Twitter.)

Sure, look at them.

3. Ollie’s Petcare (@olliespetcare)

Ollie and Penny’s owners, meanwhile, run a petcare business in Dublin and post photos of the mutts in their care on their own Instagram.

A must follow for all dog lovers.

4. Ashford Wolfhounds (@ashford_wolfhounds)

Cronan and Garvan are the wolfhounds who reside in Ashford Castle. Photos from their morning walks are uploaded to Instagram every day.

Would you be able?

5. Phoenix (@phoenix_pudding)

We’re calling it now — Phoenix has the best hair in Ireland.

6. Jake (@jakefiles)

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier with the most attitude in Ireland.


7. Bearded Charlie (@bearded_charlie)

Charlie is a rescue dog who is described as “Born in Ireland and Brazilian by heart”.

We’re willing to bet that his beard is the envy of hipsters everywhere.

8. Sheldon the Bully (sheldonthebully)

Sheldon is an adorable bulldog who has the best bio of anyone on Instagram. “Bitch magnet, farting expert, food lover”.

So sassy, Sheldon.

9. Frankie The Sausage Dog (francois_the_sausage)

This little fella is a miniature dachsund who looks perfect for petting and cuddling <3

10. Fiona Manly (@model_mutts)

So. Many. Dog. Photos.

11. Pandora (@pandoraboxerpup)

We’re going to go out on a limb and say that Pandora is Pandorable.

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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